Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 2nd Meeting

G'day folks. Subjects that got covered yesterday included the following:

Mrs. Horne has given the Four the charge to reinforcing the attendance policy, which states only two unexcused absences are allowed. Not wanting to show up or forgetting is not considered excusable.....ahem- So PLEASE, PLEASE, if you can't make it to a meeting let one of the Four know. Otherwise, try your best to make it to the meetings....PLEASE! I hate having to approach members and giving them a warning because they aren't attending! Hate it! Hate-IT!!!! Don't make me have to do it! ....kay? ^_^

Every member is going to get to make his/ her own poster and flier to advertise DM. It'll be a great way to make sure every member gets at least one of his/ her works shown throughout the campus. Expect an e-mail giving the requirements soon. I'm thinkin this will be a fun one! ^_^

We thought of some places to meet beyond campus. We wanted the places to be relatively close to the campus, and that didn't have a huge crowd. The ideas that came to mind were Starbucks, outside the cafeteria, and Godfathers. If anyone else has anymore suggestions, let us know what's on your mind.

AASU is having an Open House on February 21st. Clubs are going to be having booths up similar to the ones held at the Block Party. We're looking for 3-4 volunteers to man....ahem...or woman the booth ^_^. Gimme an e-mail if you'd be interested.

Alex gave a great suggestion when the Four met on Saturday. We should have movie nights! Mrs. Horne thought this was a great idea. We were hoping to make this a full-sized campus event and use the AMT Theater, but she explained we can't use the theater and calling for such a sized event might require some bucks on our end. So She suggested we try to keep the movie nights within the organization and host them at members homes, at least for a start. Rest assured, we'll be talking about this much more.

Mrs. Campbell wasn't able to meet with her group last Tuesday in concerns to the One Life Outreach logo, but she said they would meet this Tues...oh....uhhhh...today ^_^. I'll let you folks know when I hear something from her.

You should already know this by now, but all members got a forward of our drop boks (I know, "box") account. ID and password were included. So, from here on out, be sure to send your comps and finals to that, kayyyy? If you didn't get the e-mail, just lemme know ^_^.

A few of us will be meeting tomorrow (Feb. 4) to have lunch. We'll be going over the things discussed yesterday again just in case anyone had any questions. We'll meet up at Solms 102 b at 12:00 and head on out afterwards. This isn't a required, but optional meeting. If you missed Monday's meeting, I would STRONGLY encourage you to join us....besides, who hates food!?

We, the Four, promise to use the blog more often to keep everyone posted. If you need to see what's on the current agenda, be sure to check this area out. But if you got any questions, you're always free to email us. Thanks everyone. Look forward to our next meeting! Till then, happy designing!

Raphyel M. Jordan
DM Pres.

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