Friday, September 26, 2008

Solid Logos

So, I saw this the other day, as I was perusing the interwebs... and I figured since a pretty solid majority of us in his group are either IN Logotype, HAVE TAKEN Logotype, or have an INTEREST in making corporate identity packages as a graphic designer...

...that this would be a good article to post here on the blog, so everyone can appreciate it.

It's an appreciation of 30 separate vector-based logos. Each logo comes with some small discussion on each logo's finer points, or a brief explanation of how it relates to the theme or spirit of the individual/organization it represents.

Enjoy; hopefully this will give you some ideas as to the design sensibility we're all capable of, or inspire you in some way. Leave a comment, tell us what you think!

VectorTuts: 30 Brilliant Vector Logo Designs, Deconstructed.

~L, LX.

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