Friday, September 26, 2008

Solid Logos

So, I saw this the other day, as I was perusing the interwebs... and I figured since a pretty solid majority of us in his group are either IN Logotype, HAVE TAKEN Logotype, or have an INTEREST in making corporate identity packages as a graphic designer...

...that this would be a good article to post here on the blog, so everyone can appreciate it.

It's an appreciation of 30 separate vector-based logos. Each logo comes with some small discussion on each logo's finer points, or a brief explanation of how it relates to the theme or spirit of the individual/organization it represents.

Enjoy; hopefully this will give you some ideas as to the design sensibility we're all capable of, or inspire you in some way. Leave a comment, tell us what you think!

VectorTuts: 30 Brilliant Vector Logo Designs, Deconstructed.

~L, LX.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

DM Minutes!

Yeah so... I've been lazy. We've had two meetings, and I've only now gotten around to posting the minutes for them. What a slacker, right? But anyways, here they are.

DM Minutes (8/27)

Ellen Hatcher, Guest Speaker from Rebuilding Together Savannah.
-Use of fact sheet to help create a snazzy new brochure.
-Maintain green in logo.
-Show vibrancy and kindness is volunteers, and work they accomplish together.

Motion: Vote to take on brochure project for Rebuilding Together Savannah: All in Favor, none opposed.

Another project pitched- logo redesign. To be started after completion of brochure.

Motion: Reschedule all meetings to Second MONDAY each month, 12PM. All in favor, none opposed.

Club Dues: 10$ please get those to us ASAP.

-If you have ideas, please let us know, or shoot us an e-mail—we’d appreciate any and all involvement in this very important project for us.
-Things we’re considering currently: Popcorn Machine (if complementary again), Brownies, Postcards/Greeting Cards, Food, Templates for pictures. Gaudy Frames to put our work in (Justin says he can help with this! Awesome!)
-Things we need help with: Design, Construction, Helping Hands to maintain booth. Work to display.

12:54—Diana proclaims that she has hunger.

DM Minutes (9/8)

DUES! We need ‘em.

Rebuilding Savannah Brochure Responsibilities:
Photo Touch-up & Selection – Alex
Design – Jenni (with an I) & Amie (with an IE.)
Layout – Chris G.
General Assistance, Organization & Prep – Diana

Other Logo ProjectSam & Justin

AASU Day (Oct 22):
-Brownie Sugaring Party at Chris G. & Alex’s house on Tuesday the 21st of October. (The Day BEFORE AASU Day) 6PM—please come if you can help!
-Jenni is going to see if her husband’s band can come prior to end of AASU Day to play a few songs by our booth.
-Sam & Chris G. are looking to make templates for a themed photo-background of some sort, where people can come up and take pictures and then we can shop their faces onto it, and print it out for them.

Aaaand... that's pretty much it. Let me know if I've forgotten anything! :p
