I'd also like to suggest one purpose for this blog. In addition to it being a place were news about Design Matters is posted, I think it would be a great resource for Design tools and/or inspiration. Whenever I come across something that tingles my design-sense, I like to make a post about it on my personal blog. I think it'd be a great idea for us to do that and just give one more reason for members to visit the blog. And if a member had something that they'd like to post, they could always email one of The Four and have them make a post about it.
I'll start:
D e s i g n T o o l s
A while back I came across a great page that compiled a list of the best fonts for design called "80 Beautiful Typefaces For Professional Design". The site has an impressive list of great fonts to use in design and good examples of their utilization. I've referred to it a few times in the past.I n s p i r a t i o n
I enjoy watching music videos and, though they don't always come to mind when you think of standard graphic design, I think they can be a great source of inspiration for design work. Really, anything visual can be. The first time I saw the music video for "D.A.N.C.E" by Justice, I immediately felt inspired.
I hope that if anyone finds a useful tool or something that inspires them, thet they'll share it with us so that we may benefit from it like you did.