Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The first of many!!

Today was the first day of the start of AASU's newest club, Design Matters.

I just want to thank everyone for coming out today. We got a great deal accomplished and only great things will follow!!

For those of you who don't know...because I certainly didn't before I did some research, I found where I believe the term "design matters" originated.

As was said today, Paula Scher was accredited with the term Design Matters. I found an interview in the New York Times where several designers were interviewed a month after 9-11 and were requested to share their thoughts on what was to come since the "traditional talent of design- to pose then to solve problem- could give it a role in leading the national recovery, emotionally and economically."

Like I said several designers were interviewed, but here's what Scher said...
Q: How might design participate now, in the national effort at recovery and reassurance?

PAULA SCHER: There's going to be a lot of involvement between design and the city -- because they're married. New York City is a design city -- designers will be involved. We're going to rebuild a whole section of town. Which is what designers do -- they make things.

Q: Should this be seen as a call for designers to be more socially responsible then?

SCHER: I didn't feel powerless. The thing that just kept coming to my mind was, design matters. Because what surrounds you -- happiness, love, joy -- that gets into your soul. We create environments for people. We create things that make their soul, hopefully.

Thank you again to everyone who came, and don't forget to tell any and all of your friends to join that believe DESIGN MATTERS!!!!

One last thing...
Everyone keep sketching and we'll quickly get started on branding our club!
Don't forget to watch for an email for the date and time of the next meeting and PLEASE PLEASE post we want to know what you think...anything ideas, questions, random thoughts!!!
